Sunday, September 26, 2010

Global Warming - Impact on coastal communities

Global warming is very controversial. There are several studies and reports are generated on both sides of the argument to sustain. One argument is that global warming is not a huge problem worldwide, is claimed to be. While the other argument is clear evidence that global warming is occurring and is a big problem. In view of reports on global warming to realize that it is important to determine which theory of global warming is a reality. Global warming is theaverage temperature increase, both in surface air and oceans. Another part of global warming is regarded as the greenhouse effect.

Global warming shows that temperature increase leads to a lower sphere. The greenhouse effect supports the idea that the ozone layer is affected by increased carbon dioxide and methane. These are generalizations on both theories in order to simplify and answer questions. The temperature increase affectscoastal communities. It 'important to understand how coastal communities and commercial and residential property values in low areas will be affected, when, how and prevention methods.

The Environmental Protection Agency, Consad Research Corporation NRCM and IPCC are just some of the environmental research firm to study global warming. In a recent study by the IPCC predict that global warming will have a significant impact on coastal communities werefound. Global warming is melting the ice surface. Places like Antarctica, Greenland, Alaska, the Alps, Andes, Rockies witnessing a rise of their glaciers retreating. The glaciers are retreating all over the world about a foot a mile a year. The melting water flows into our water systems are increasingly aware of the sea. The IPCC has found that sea levels rose 4-5 inches since 1900. They also predict that the sea level will rise toleast 2.5 meters by 2100.

The first part of global warming and climate change. With climate change will face a temperature increase of about 1 degree Celsius to 5.5 degrees Celsius by 2100. Other effects of climate change include the different weather. Hurricanes, blizzards and rain increased in some areas of the world. Whenever an increase in rainfall or snowfall we get more water. If it is trueevaporation, which will take care of these plants and loads of rain water to get additional help, we will still see a rise in water level. The other side of this is creating more hot dry areas. Places like the desert dries higher temperatures. It 'also true in some areas, coral reefs that are visible on the surface due to evaporation.

There have been various plans proposed to prevent a rise in temperature and water level. The SupremeCourt of California has proposed stricter rules on car emissions. CO2 emissions from cars are only part of the problem of creating the greenhouse effect. The combustion of fossil fuels and land use are creating changes in levels of carbon dioxide. Studies have shown that carbon dioxide has increased by 31%. The felling of rain forests are more carbon dioxide in the Earth due to lack of facilities to enjoy the available carbon dioxide.

'Scombustion of fossil fuels, emissions of cars, and a lack of plant life in some areas as carbon dioxide continues to rise. To avoid this increase, we try to make cars more environmentally imposing tougher standards on cars today, replanting forests, and changing the natural gas to burn fossil fuels to avoid. The question will suffice, it is difficult to answer. While we produce carbon dioxide reduction, once you begin a chain of events is difficultif you can stop.

As individuals we can stop driving our cars for the smallest things. In other words, we can be more economical in the use of our resources. We can use less energy, or energy efficiency to create at least in our personal lives, we are able to recycle goods. use of natural products is another idea to increase the production of carbon dioxide elimination.

Coastal communities will be affected in the lower realms. Caribbean, North CarolinaOuter Banks, Japan and other Asian countries will be affected. The best protection of coastal communities, will stop the rise in sea level. In other cases, dams and retaining walls can be built so the water reached the houses, shops and our lives. Dredging of the sea level and land mass reduction will be made in each country will be affected. The last option is in motion. People have fled their homesto save their lives and the growing storm.

Reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, making people's awareness on global warming, and monitoring of earth changes will help coastal communities to save. Part of the influence on land values and investments in coastal communities. Although land prices are not over for the moment there is every possibility that in fifty years there will be a decrease in land value resulting from an increase in insurance rates.Insurance companies are not going to homes to ensure a reasonable price, if the sea level rises to a higher risk, so people do not want to buy land in a danger zone.

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